Well, considering the last post was in September…2012…. some people could wonder, if the earth has swallowed me whole. Don’t fret..I am still here!
What happened?!
I started an education about 2 years ago and a year ago I had to switch jobs, since the company I worked for had been swallowed by the crisis as so many others. Luckely I had right away a new challenge at a print company not to far away and that actually took a lot of my time away from frivolous things, such as writing stuff…..and gaming…and painting…and diving.
School is now in the end round and I either can call myself Multimedia engineer by march or I have to be retested a month or so later. Either way the summer will be mine again.
Multimedia Engineer and than you use a ‘out of the box’ wordpress theme?!
Well yes. At this point I’m still busy with the end projects and preparations for the exam, but I really wanted to play with my page, so for now I found this clean looking theme to ‘bring across the message’ rather than stressing myself out, trying to get this done too.
What else is new?!
Not much I have to admit. I have my motorcycle license and in 2013 I bought the motorcycle I always wanted to have. Now I just have to make it look like I always wanted 🙂 But this summer my priority lies with driving and start living again, relink with friends and dive more.
I applied as a Divemaster at a dive school and from end march I will volunteer for the Duikhuis in Amsterdam, Utrecht en maybe even Rotterdam.
That’s it folks, probably there would be some more things to tell you, but for now I say bye and twiddle a bit further with the settings of the blog 🙂