After breakfast we started our way to the last attraction for this road trip. The entire trip took longer than expected and therefore we had to cut out the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Graveyard, some other side attractions and going to Louisianan looked more and more unlikely too.
So Tinkertown would be the last road side attraction for our epic (yes it was epic) road trip. To be honest, I have been not expecting much, but it was not a big detour and it might be cute after all.

Its again a sunny day and on our way to the museum we were amazed about the amount of sports motorbikes in the area. Until now we found the USA seemed to have very little flavours in Motorbikes. You could either find lampshaded Harleys or driving living rooms (windshield modern Harleys) with the occasional sports machine thrown in. But here it seemed like all sports bikes just waited to present themselves on this particular road and so we couldn’t help but stop, as we found the biker café halfway to our destination.
All sorts and shapes of bikes and bikers stopped for coffee and muffins at this cafe. Hass with his love for sports bikes had drawn the jackpot. On 8 sports bikes, there was one chopper or cruiser for me to look at. It was nice to see, that even mixed minded & gendered people could get together here and talk about their passion.
A little later we reached Tinkertown. It started as a private endeavour but eventually succumbed to pressures by the public to tour the attraction. This is a museum of collections and self-made miniature scenes from a local artist who, sadly lost the fight against Alzheimer’s Disease. But not only the showcased scenes are hand made, but also some structures of the building like walls created from different bottles in cement. You follow a trail of sorts through interconnected areas of eclectic collections ranging from dolls, old west memorabilia and dioramas, a yacht which has been sailed around the world, circus dioramas, license plates, humorous signs, Americana, etc.
I truly loved the eccentric charm of this place. The man who started this museum spent a lifetime carving scenes of stores, shops, workplaces, etc. all of them from the early 20th century. Since his career was props and art creator for a circus, there’s a ton of circus memorabilia to be seen as well.

I have to admit, I left the place exhilarated, hopeful and inspired. This visit was worth the detour and if you are in the neighbourhood, go and dream away for a bit.