Again a collection of pictures from our road trip. Some have been already attached to the plot posts, some are newly published. I thought it is a nice idea to keep them all together in one post.
I always hated that German saying: “Alles hat ein Ende nur die Wurst hat zwei” = “Everything has an end just the sausage has two”. But unfortunately, it doesn’t matter much what I hate or dislike. Some situations can’t be changed. One of these is the inevitability of an airplane …
Being back in Austin is great. Unfortunate, its “unusual weather” for the time of year and it’s been raining a lot. It’s still warm but not nice enough to use the pool really. But I am stubborn that way and go swimming once or twice anyway.
We are starting to wrap up things, putting the car through cleaning and up for sale.
Still gotta pack and then the dream is over. Sitting here on the couch, thinking about the trip… it was quite amazing what we have seen.
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After breakfast we started our way to the last attraction for this road trip. The entire trip took longer than expected and therefore we had to cut out the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Graveyard, some other side attractions and going to Louisianan looked more and more unlikely too.So Tinkertown would be …
We had such high expectations and got so deeply disappointed. Maybe its just too big for us to grasp or maybe we have had to much input over the past few weeks, but we thought this was nothing more than a big hole with loads of people. My highlight was …
“Gosh, this is unusual weather for this time of year” – year I would say. Its my birthday and I am in a desert city, but it is too wet to go to the pool and we just heard that the road we wanted to take tomorrow got washed away… happy birthday to me!
Somehow we just got driving. Busy with our lives back home and the thoughts of what we need to do and want to do once this soul searching trip will end. somewhere along the way we forgot our waypoints and we forgot to talk to each other. However as we stopped for food we where just a crossing away from Calico Ghost town and decided spontaneously to pay it a visit.