The 118 islands that make up the city are connected by around 400 bridges and over 170 canals. The city is located in a Lagoon which is a wold heritage site and one of my favourite places to be. It’s something magical and I feel like walking on clouds when I’m there. Have you guessed it yet? Of course. I’m speaking of ‘Bella Italia’ and one of its Crown Jewels Venice.
Some places give you the feeling of coming home. Some places give the excitement of something new. And then you have places like Venice: it is like visiting my dreams whilst I’m awake.
Venice is a city of celebration, stories and secrets. A City of Wonder and Masks 1Traditionally, masks were worn during Venice’s Carnival to allow people to conceal (at least technically) their identities when they were taking part in any manner of non-Church-approved activities in the days leading up to Lent. Because of this, one interesting fact about Venice is that masks were actually illegal at certain points in the city’s history!, history, architecture, Bellinis 2One of the best-known fun facts about Venice is that the famous cocktail made with prosecco and peach puree was invented in Harry’s Bar in Venice during the summer of 1948. and seafaring folk. Long family lines of glassblowers, costume makers, gondoliers and merchants run deep, though Venice is running empty of locals as it gets flooded with “Acqua alta”3The Acqua Alta is the phenomenon by which Venice is flooded temporarily various times a year when the Adriatic Sea tide rises. This event is only called Acqua Alta when the sea level rises over 90 cm. and tourists. In Venice, you have abundance and decay, Italy with a touch of otherworldly, the smell of the canals intertwined with the smell of Jasmin and legends.
You surely can feel between these lines how much i love this city and how much it fuels my imagination to be there.
I have had a world map on my wall ever since I was a kid. As I started moving a lot it was in my diary or somewhere else visible to me. I would mark places to go and places I have been. Stick photos on there of how I imagine my adventures and exchange them with my own once I finally visited.
I dreamed of Route 66, the pyramids and the red soil of Australia. But on top of my list was always the carnival of Venice.
I loved the idea that for 2 weeks, everybody could be anyone. No social differences, no fear of embarrassment no unrealistic social norms and that all with a hint of mystery, glamour and lots and lots of quirky costumes and masks. Throw in delicate glasswork and all the sparkles and water – what could my heart desire more.
I’m fine not having seen the carnival, but I am glad I visited the city 3 times now. Here are a few impressions from our long weekend in 2019. Unfortunately, not the best, since I just changed the camera and I was still struggling with its setting.
Regardless, enjoy: