Was that a moose?

Hass was very excited as we left Seattle to finally visit his Favorite: Vancouver. But first, we had some breakfast in a diner Marc advised us. Complete with vinyl seats, a jukebox that you could ‘remote control’ from your table and lots of pop art memorabilia like a Batman figure …

The little things

We have reached that critical point in any round trip: We reached the furthest possible point and have to “Turn Back”. It doesn’t mean the trip is over, but for me psychologically something always changes at that point every time I have been on such a trip.  Of course, you …

Zombie Skills

The rain came in and we didn’t think any animals will come out to play. So we went to discover the village of West Yellowstone. Hass spotted a sign “Big gun Fun” and announced that we would get another Zombie skill scratched off our list. Horse back riding was still …

Catching Up

Finally another warm day. We are on our way from Douglas to Cody. I’m driving with dreams of bears and horseback riding on the sunbathed highway. I can’t get over the fact how much the road looks like in the movies. In ‘Thermopolis’ we stopped for lunch. I felt adventurous …