Hosting providers always pull you in with an “incredible” offer and then when your year is up, the price you are supposed to pay is 2 or 3 times as higher as you started the contract with. I always thought, that this is not the best way to keep loyal clients but it seems to work for them. I, however, move my sites and blogs to the next host and the cycle again. It does become tiring and frustrating and after witnessing my pain for the 5th time, Hass proposed to find me a solution which will mean I only pay for my usage and I don’t have to move as long as the tech titan Amazon S3 will exist.
This, however, came with another painful adjustment and bending of code and shifting posts and pictures and such… however if all goes well, its the last time for a while. I also decided with this change, to send my blog on a diet. I removed anything before 2014, except the music-related posts, revisited some of the posts to add some pictures or update the style and also gave a new jacket to the entire blog so my photography will be more prominent going forward.
A couple of strange things happened with the move and I apologize if you have gotten an e-mail confirming your comment from 4 years ago. All in all I am very happy with the changes and I hope you will enjoy this improved version!
Happy new decade
Everybody takes stock around this time of year. Even more so since a decade ends. I know it is just numbers, but I do think it is good to take a moment and look back at what has happened, where you come from, how that made you feel and crystalize …
Another year past
No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away. – Terry Pratchett I always wonder how many people have been touched by me. How many ripples I leave behind when it is finally my time to go. I am not a noble prize winner, …
Stuff is not the issue
We got burgled. First, it looked like it might have been someone we trusted with our key, but after the locksmith talked to us, we are aware that anyone could have picked the lock. I am, time and time again, wavering what would be better; that we trusted the wrong …
The side effects of moving
I have been living in 4 different countries during the past 5 years and it has been an amazing and rewarding adventure, that taught me more about the world and myself than any school, documentary or self-help book ever could. And I am sure, everyone who ever tried this will …
Multifaceted or easily distracted?
That’s the question I sometimes ask myself. And of course, that goes hand in hand with the question of what is my passion. Considering that you should follow your passion, it is quite an important question too. As many people before me and doubtlessly will have come after me, I had and …
Hermit Crab
lament, weep, bewail, bemoan; suffer.Grieve, mourn imply showing sufferingcaused by sorrow. Grieve is the strongerword, implying deepmental sufferingoften endured alone and in silencebut revealed by one’saspect: to grieveover the loss(or death) of a friend.Mourn usually refersto manifestingsorrow outwardly, either with or withoutsincerity: to mourn From about grieving I have trouble with that. Partially because people think I should go out and be around people. I try and follow their advice, but I just …
Thief in the night….
Death’s a funny thing. I used to think it was a big, sudden thing, like a huge owl that would swoop down out of the night and carry you off. I don’t anymore. I think it’s a slow thing. Like a thief who comes to your house day after day, …
Tonight I get my sweetheart off the airport. It’s been very quiet without him. I never liked being alone, but since I am with Hass I am also not afraid of it anymore. I do get a bit lazy though. I only did what the cats and my employers needed …